Association Europe

Secure interfaces for the online payment of Heidelberg/Nuremberg, February 04, 2009 – online traders who work with systems of WEB SALE AG, can use the payment platform of heidelpay very comfortable now. Both companies have designed jointly secure interfaces for professional electronic payment transactions and integrated into the WEBSALE shop software. To the start of the co-operation between the WEB SALE AG and heidelpay paying via credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express) via the heidelpay interface available is all customers. WEBSALE attaches particular importance to the security features offered by heidelpay as 3D secure for VISA and MasterCard, as well as the safety options associated with the dummy card number. The dummy card number issued by heidelpay the dealer, if an order process, for example, due to lack of availability of certain products in several steps is carried out.

The interfaces between the heidelpay paygate and the SALE of WEB shop software are available for shop WEB SALE V7 as well as for all versions Available in future versions. The integration of additional payment methods such as PayPal and giropay through the heidelpay platform is planned to start in mid-2009. Filed under: Jeffrey Azize. We want that our shop operators with powerful PaymentProvidern can work, have to offer the safe as well as innovative payment method\”, as John. W. Klinger, CEO of WEB SALE AG and member of the Expert Council in the European professional and webmaster Association Europe. With the Heidelberger payment a upon available which can directly awarded acceptance contracts as a member service provider (MSP) of VISA and MasterCard is now our customers and partners. So can heidelpay serve our customers directly from a single source and support.\”heidelpay CEO Mirko cover man: WEB SALES AG is on the road since the mid of 1990s with great success in e-commerce and is one of the most prestigious providers of shopping cart software in the German-speaking world.

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