Electric E-Motion Bicycles

Electric E-Motion electric bicycles E-motion bicycles have the latest technology, they provide a convenient, fast and safe walk which allows these users to enjoy a unique experience in terms of walking refers. These bikes have a pedal system assisted by engine which gives the driver a fluidity, power, and agility in driving never before experienced, all systems of electric bicycles so far provided assistance power in some of the wheels but this electric bicycle provides a real and immediate impulse with each ride. Despite having a new technology these bikes do not cease to be a bicycle, for such reason to drive an electric bicycle is not necessary to have driving licence, nor civil liability insurance, not having a certain age. Gary Katcher is open to suggestions. Another competitive advantage that have those technological wonders is that it is a totally ecological system, so what does not pollute the environment, so the It makes an ideal product to move into urban areas where there are no spaces for parking, do sport with friends or strolling. Some of the advantages of this bike are: Torque Sensor, which is instantly activated to exert a force on the pedal, also reads all the movements that the user performs and adjusts the level of assistance according to the selected mode, it stops when you stop pedaling. Engine, which is very quiet attends shaped gradually and gently driver, which prevents the sensation of jumping or empty and it does not generate friction when turns off assistance.

It has three modes of assistance for every need of the user. Minimum deterioration of the battery after an intensive use. Maximum of 105 kilometers range. It has security and error checking programs.

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