The wonder began Wednesday 28 with Viengsay Valds and Alexander Virelles in the protagnicos rolls, both were agreed to the prestige of the institution, with an ideal line, I dance without great technical shows, free of which from my point of view can carry the evil easily dance taste. Consecutively the following night, the pair Sadaise Arencibia-Arin Oil mill handled another type of interpretation, dancing of ideal physicist, already knew its Odette, without the smaller doubt in the work its better moment, although this time I sail very worthy in Odile, maturing remarkably its interpretation, the young Oil mill, for my totally not known is a new promise very to explode, of that form would win in scenic consistency, probably in the future very near was spoken to much envelope he. Yanela Piera was developed with fluidity and probity, in the previous one I alternated of the Cuban ballet by Spain, not yet had the category of first dancing, I can assure already is it; it was accompanied by the new racially mixed revelation that has excited Madrid, makes this racial interrelation very happy, I talk about Osiel Gounod, many colleagues of the press inclined considering it new the Carlos Acosta, it is not my opinion, he is shining and with extraordinary pompous presence, it owns a very theater magnanimous face, I dazzle by its jumps and security, perhaps must work the attitude that is obligatory in everything danseur noble, however, with his impetus, dazzled to the public.
Yesterday Domingo two of October, at dusk, reserved for the goodbye, appeared what was in my opinion the finishing touch and the perfection would dance, the protagonists glorified to Cuba with magnificent a representation of a Lake of the swans unforgettable, the sublime Thin Anette and the distinguished Dani Hernandez gave sample of exquisitez, elegance, scenic maturity and technical waste, would not know to expose which moment was dominant during its dance, every moment of its scenic presence was equipped with a great beauty, both are the ideal pair, germinated in a story of you foretell, the Odette de Anette developed during the second act, is the pure stamp of the weightlessness, ensoacin and neatness, followed of an evil Odile, extraordinarily effective powerful technically, Hernandez flowed out by the same footpath, to request more would be impossible. The delirium of the presents went proof of it, to reward way were ovacionados vehemently. It is not possible to be stopped mentioning to others young figures that fulfilled justeza other performances, Lissi Bez, Grettel Morejn, Marize Fumero Jose Losada occupying different tasks during the days in pas from trois, pas of six, or the Spanish dance. By all means already all illuminating, could not lack next to its present stars Thin-Hernandez, the goodbye in the scene of the brilliant Alicia Alonso, impelling motor of all this.