Monika Martin

The new album of Monika Martin – behind every window that allow 19 CD of Monika Martin – window ourselves also curious about a very personal Outlook and Windows. Even if we don’t immediately want to admit it, it happens already, that interests us, what goes on behind some window to front. Monika Martin gave the name behind each window of their current CD”. The title song is a story. A heart wanders through memories. Melancholy.

Longing. Lost love. As in most of their songs is very much personal singer / songwriter is once again. The window that is celebrated in the song as a metaphor is to see as the end of this longing. Behind every window I’m looking for your face, but I don’t see more than a few drop shadows. Behind each window, a dream is born and as long as I’m looking for, I’ve got you not lost”.

There’s so much wishful thinking and hope in these lines, as it vocally so be can delivered only by the singer from Graz. It is the voice, the phrasing, the passion, sticks and all that together is it that finally opens the window which allows a glimpse into the soul of the artist. My lips”, says Monika Martin, they are my soul’s window” – and who, once seen them during a live performance and heard when she sings with his eyes closed, her voice gently float to unimagined heights, understands well that it promised. Monika Martin opened another window in their career since 1996. She has been the next step in artistic development. Never before, she has worked with so many different songwriters, arrangers, artists and musicians. It was wonderful,”she says, like about the contact with all these creative people. It is a life of long cherished dreams to get to hearing all these new ideas. My job is to be able to share what my calling and this with other fellow musicians to say I’ve grown with the joy of doing”.

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