Production Product

This, in turn, required the use preservatives, as "liquid smoke", as opposed to the normal smoke, does not possess antibacterial properties. On the outskirts of the meat industry Advances in technology substitution of natural ingredients has allowed surrogates former Soviet leadership to keep the sausage on the shelves. In some regions, it appeared, however, only on holidays. But this product has become more coveted, and memories of its taste still excite the minds of some middle-aged and older: "Voooot bylaaa sausage. Quite a different taste. " In fact, these statements from a series about the fact that girls were more interesting then, and grass – greener.

However, if in Soviet times, all sausage was about the same quality, the current sausage market, where diverse. Unfortunately, this diversity one can find many exotic and not the most desirable flavors. Paradoxically, the quality of meat product is directly dependent on the size of the manufacturer. Experts explain this relationship for many reasons. One of them – the same as in the "stagnation", the shortage of meat and milk. Mostodontov for the industry with capacity, just think, up to 300 tons of sausages a day, it remains only to experiment with new ingredients. And they will do, as millions of shoppers are loyal to the chosen once the brand. New meat processors had no choice.

They are fighting for the sympathy of the enlightened consumer, occupying a niche of high-quality natural products. And if mostodonty crush each other in volume, the new butchers – they absence. It is natural that the next record in this opposition set the youngest in the metropolitan area meat-packing plant "Outskirts". Its maximum capacity – 30 tons of meat per day. This one and a half "trucks." C the emergence of "outskirts" of the capital returned to the meat processing and organic eggs, and liquid milk, and a positive smoking. "We can not revive a mythical sausage taste from the past – says the chief technologist Vladimir Plant Timchenko. – Why? We are creating a new product. For those who are concerned authenticity. " "Outskirts" while on the outskirts of the meat industry, but demand for the authenticity of the product increases. Those who want to meet him appear not only in the vicinity Moscow. Recently, in the Tula region emerged farm "Mustard glade." Production of single-part, it's not a ton. Exotic: vegetables without fertilizers and sausage meat from animals that are raised free-range.

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