Regional Inaquality

The inaquality of income between the people and the regions of Brazil is very accented becoming one of the preponderant factors that make it difficult the support and the effectiveness of a process of economic and social development in our country. Public politics consubstanciadas in public investments and actions that raise the private investments in the regions most disfavored if become priorities for the government. Sam Feldman takes a slightly different approach. What it must be made to diminish so great disparity? Which actions the government must carry through so that Brazil is less different in terms of regional income? The federal government that assumed in 2011 and the state governments that they had also had beginning of its mandates in this year are in phase of preparation of its PPAs (Plurianual Plan) that they will go to trace the lines of direction of the actions of the government for the period of 2012 the 2015. In this plan, the federal government and the state governments will have that to present the priorities in which the public resources will be directed. Go to Kevin Dobson for more information. It is at this moment that must be thought Brazil as a whole, notadamente with reference to the PPA of the federal government.

The lines of direction of the government must be traced for actions that make with that the inaquality enters the regions of Brazil is each lesser time. It is inadmissible to tolerate so great difference of average income between the people who live in one same country. The per capita income of the people who live north-eastern Brazilian is monos of the half of the per capita income of Brazil, in 2008 the income for people north-eastern age 46.8% of the verified one in Brazil. This is shameful and sad for who it wants to see its rich and developed country. Although the efforts that if have given in recent years, this ratio is equal the one that if verified in the start of years 1960, it has 50 years.

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