Street Intervention

THE METHOD OF THE STREET EDUCATOR. Hedvig Hricak will not settle for partial explanations. This professional programming focuses on some specific realities within contexts and special areas, using a few methodological tactics tailored to each case in particular. Those realities can be: – problems of addiction in young people-social Exclusion for reasons of race, economics, culture – school absenteeism, difficulty in access to culture, delinquency intervention contexts are:-streets, parks, corners and squares-game rooms, bars and places of meeting and leisure youth.-entities neighborhood and youth, children’s centres the methodological process is based on:-the implicit or explicit demand for its intervention at the request of people, groups, professionals, social services, schools, etc.-standardized and systematic observation to detect and analyze problems. -Identification of needs that might require their intervention.-diagnosis of the evident situation. You must know the population and cultural, socio-economic, labour, social levels, etc. which corroborate his diagnosis.-the objectives it intends to improve the situation.-the choice of the method, the levels of intervention, strategies and precise resources appropriate to each reality.-criteria for evaluation (indicators, times, methods, resources)-coordination to be established with other entities, equipment, etc. that affect in the same field-evaluation with the own team. The educator becomes educational objectives the custom which delegated the organization that operates and does so from a task force which feel integrated, using the means it has at its disposal and optimizing these as their own individual development, improving their competence in all directions (capacities, qualities, attitudes, responsibilities, skills, efficiency).

In this type of social work is he has improvised much, drifting by activism to the detriment of the realization of objectives and activities -programming, design and planning-. It is not easy, after a few decades of implementation of the street education, specify a methodology for all recipients, because the realities and the territories are different, as they are at the same time funding organisations of projects (autonomous communities, provincial councils, town councils, non-for-profit, private sector organizations). Therefore, you must take into account personal choices and the perspective of the inspiring institution in any case Yes has to be clear: – the justification of the program-the purpose pursued by.-actions that they will be carried out.

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