Latin America Latin

More than once I’ve written it in my analysis, Latin America isn’t on the agenda of priorities of the US Government headed by Barack Obama. The key issues for United States are, the internal economic crisis and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The speech that a few days ago President Barack Obama offered on the State of the Union has reaffirmed it. This speech has a single objective, that once a year the President can say to the citizens of his country, which despite the difficult situation internal and external experiencing, the health of the Union is good. Please visit Jessica Michibata if you seek more information. But back to relations with Latin America. Recall expectations that awoke the message issued by Barack Obama in the 5th Summit of the Americas held in Trinidad and Tobago.

There easily could decode a very different message to the of who antecediera him in power, I am referring to George W. Bush, making particular emphasis in his long-awaited multilateralism oratory. Unfortunately the financial crisis and the inherited wars, made that the President Barack Obama increasingly out more, by removing your eyes from Latin America. Although, that currently face the tragedy being experienced by Haiti, you are playing a crucial role, as that will do so in the future with the appointment by the United Nations of the former President William Clinton as responsible for the entire process of reconstruction in that country. Although Latin America is deeply divided on what I would call three sectors political and ideologically speaking, this shows readings differentiated about what can be expected of such a relationship. Today in Latin America present moderate left of centre-right governments are made and the radical leftist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez leads through the Alba, which has eleven years in power, and in a recent speech opted to follow eleven more. This first year of reign of Barack Obama has been marked by three easily identifiable situations in its relationship with Latin America: the case of Cuba, the blow of Been in Honduras and the enlargement of the military agreement with Colombia.

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