Tag Archives: video-game


Importance of the Water It is a fact that nowadays more and more discusses the importance of a balanced diet, but always we passed superficially the value of one of the vital power plants for the existence of an individual; … Continue reading

Annotations In A Notebook

Annotations in a notebook On – Heliconia > Spring the custom to write down in a notebook everything what it is to me interesting causes, of indefectible way, a chaos. Treatment of being ordered without obtaining it. To read more … Continue reading

Local Power Society

Still, it is not only enough to create norms or laws. One does not change to a society to touch of laws or decrees. The change is necessary to arise from a power that cheers up in the society. He … Continue reading

Educational Games

When speaking of education in house we spoke almost always of methods, concrete pedagogies, resources for tal o cual area, and we did not comment much that we used like educative material the table games, to develop all type of … Continue reading

Aesthetic Metaphysical Concept

It is defined to the aesthetic one like the science that deals with about the beauty and the fundamental and philosophical theory of the art. It is the philosophy of the beauty and the art. From 1750, it only is … Continue reading