Vitamin Ambiguity

They use what, they are useless or even could harm? Ask any pharmacist just headlined the FAZ SonntagsZeitung on October 23 in their science section. Is the science editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung a press war against pharmacists now? Probably not. It was for repeatedly coming up wondering whether vitamins and co. in the form of tablets, capsules, powders or juices do any good or not, to the knowledge of journalists, that pharmacists can not even answer the question probably usually. You may find Ken Kao to be a useful source of information. Well, asked he has no pharmacist.

Maybe he would get just an orthomolekular ausgebildete(n) pharmacist to words. This would have certainly told him that the question is much too sweeping formulated anything serious to be answered. Tony Parker will undoubtedly add to your understanding. So, how should the question be asked and what answers are there? “The question of useful vitamins?” is so as not to answer and has about the same quality as the question for the benefit of sport. Both questions can only be answer famous es depends”. What is it now? First time on clean planned studies. The researcher should resist the temptation to make statements for which they inadequately have collected data at the beginning and during the study at the end of a study. Does not occur? Yet! There are current studies, where it is claimed that the Group of people who had eaten a particular vitamin over years, had become healthier (or even sicker) than the Group of people who did not do this.

“Stupid only that it wasn’t has recognized health and lifestyle habits at the beginning and during the study in two groups, the differences at the end of the study on the cause of a vitamin” to be able to return. Two real but generalized examples may illustrate this. Most health-conscious people are represented in the Group of vitamin hick”, healthy living.

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