Advantage Optimum

The Internet in Brazil comes if popularizing favours mainly the tools of search (former. Google), of communication (former. Social email, MSN) and sites (former. Orkut). But many other tools available online are not used because the people are unaware of its existence.

to not knowing that something exists, will not go to search for this in sources as the Google. Even though to the experienced users in the use of the Internet it is difficult to have a general vision due the great diversity and speed with that new resources appear. Thus they also finish not using to advantage part potential it of the Internet. Proposal: A popular resource in the Internet &#039 is the lists of the type; ' The best sites for X' ' (Example: ' ' The best sites to create its blog grtis' '). To create better lists the Wikipdia can be taken as inspiration, that uses the format wiki to have an including and brought up to date quantity. In one guide of sites in the format wiki some people could include new sites, to exclude links broken, keeping the brought up to date lists. these lists would have also a bigger how much bigger abrangncia therefore the lesser number of collaborators the probability of a good site not to be present in the list. It was thinking about this that was created the communitarian guide of sites:

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