But the man is so constituted that if he felt a lot of money, the less he wants to get longer. So they go back to what they can do best. Although this area is so thin – human relations, we can not replace true love periodic meetings with these divami. For them it is the work that they do not realize. Sometimes it can simulate an orgasm – the client to initiate and finish faster. Worst confused Moscow can talk to the client's teeth so that he and not understand how they paid for fly clock. Very important for them to make as little as possible of sexual acts for the "work shift".
How can withstand the female body such tests? Therefore, the less the good work the night passed. Risk. Their work involves constant risk. It's not even half-witted customer, and the so-called kurazhistah-bespredelschik. This kind of business in Russia is illegal, so called the company to provide sex services roof or our valiant police, or various factions. So, if these groups say, are not compatible, then woe to those girls who got caught in the clutches of competitors. Raped collectively, torture and tortures.
The girls told similar horror stories. One of them, after she accidentally landed on a similar courage, carried out of the sauna on the hands and unsolder vodka in the car. What can we say about those who are not from there returns. Never. So here are appreciated good drivers who are encountering such a threat would be able to get away, but at the same time and save the girl child. The drivers there are also good. But for the money every day they are at risk if you do not life, then health. After all, if the driver is away from persecution, if they catch you – oh, how he nepozdorovitsya. Once again rethink its attitude to the muddled. Their work in Russia would have long since been time to legalize, then they can be required to undergo a medical examination, forced to pay taxes. And to protect them from everyday risks. Maybe now I will not understand some of his wife, but jealous of the prostitute – it's the same thing to be jealous of a rubber doll. Once again I will say that they perform their work mechanically, without emotion. A normal man who has everything in order in family life will never look for love, for money. And if you still go – it means a husband, and whether generally hold him in my life.