Peruvian Teachers

In my memory it leaves to landmark two scenes by but horrifying in the life the Peruvian teachers, by whom there are to have them in account: First it happens in the luctuosos of Frontn and Lurigancho and the other the one of the 18 of Julio, the one as the other happens to little days the one of the other and in both die teachers who with their youthful years died. If it were or no, mistaken its decision, we do not know it, we only know that by its actions they did not gain anything, neither a sun, no department in Paris, nor many of their spouses who never worked has thousands of properties and they were never congressmen to make waiting rooms of the great transnational companies. We only know that as well as they were poor, thus died. Many of them left in their minds the ideal of a right society but, mainly for those children who live in the thousands on suburbs that surround our great cities, because they lived and will continue living in those who happen like teachers the pain to them those children. Those children who only eat once to the day, and who eaten that is only fish flour mesclada with cardboard, so that he is but the cheap thing that there is in the popular markets. And this in spite of the triunfalismos of all the governments. It is that they do not live near those spaces in which million our brothers live that are displaced of their earth towards the great cities, clear their earth to them, with the usual pretext to take development for their towns and they deceive to them with a miserable sun, spend that it and no longer it has more and it takes refuge in the great cities to cover his misery, and is there that it only must resort to the teacher who also is poor like him, but that is close, closely together to console to him of its sadnesses.

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