Freelance Services

Many problems with customers are concentrated in the condescending treatment that we give them, causing us to begin to see as their direct employees and not as professional sub contracted, we must be careful and keep the distance of respect, supporting us in the offer of services presented. References and testimonials are important our portfolio speaks well of our technical capacity, but the references and testimonials speak better of our treatment and service to the customer. We must make sure that we have good professional experience with people who can give reference of our attention and follow-up of projects, as well as our human quality. A good professional reference can be many times the point that tip the scale for the allocation of a project in our favor above the competition. Get ready to formally provide its a Freelance Services is a professional independent and, as such, we must offer our services with the maximum possible professionalism, is for this reason that we must make sure that we meet the following requirements: to deliver formal invoices to our customers (which record the payment of taxes) having business cards a private phone where you can call us or leave messages an e-mail account of professional-looking bank accounts of the most important banks in your country an MSN account to support customers (although we must be very careful in its use) an account of Skype for communication with international customers via the internet. Waives your work and have fun! If you’ve followed these recommendations, already take advanced much of the planning required to play you as a freelance and ensure a sustainable income, and above all the immense pleasure to work at what you love. The purpose of work independently is give a sense of freedom to your life and having the time to go to wherever you want to go and do what you want to do. Be sure to fully enjoy your new style of life to traveling in and out a little more.

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