Brazilian Culture And Music

Introduction the Brazilian culture mainly has musical characteristics accented, with come rhythms of the African culture, people enslaved and brought for Brazilian lands for the Portuguese, as it detaches the Marli teacher Oliveira de Carvalho, in lecture pronounced in the Unifig, during the Day of Letters 2008. Brazilian Popular Music, is considered one of the richer cultural productions of century XX, being currently exportation product, representing our Country with legitimacy. In Literature, this musicalidade can be appreciated in the Twine productions, where the artists, many poets of the improvisation, speak of the adventures of national heroes, as Lampio, they count histories of the people, the reality, the sufferings and the daily joys. Follow others, such as Jorge Perez, and add to your knowledge base. These poets of group of benches or cabinet, as he detaches the presentation of the Brazilian Twine Academy, were people of the people, who if presented in the fairs, showing its vision of the events, by means of the repentes, verbal tradition of recite. Today, as he detaches Joo Gomes de S, this type of literature left of being popular, starting to have metric, style and inserting themselves in the academies of letters and the national artistic productions. According to Ita-Cultural Encyclopedia, the weakness of the popular fairs in the northeast interior and the reinforcement of the medias of mass had made with that most of the traditional public of the twine if exhausted or lost the interest for it. Meanwhile, the wave of academic studies initiated in the decade of 1970 despertou the interest of the middle class for this literature. The proper expression ' ' literature of cordel' ' , of Iberian origin and that it circulated almost that exclusively in the erudite circles, it was only popularized at this time, when the proper producers of the twine literature had started to use it in place of ' ' folhetos' ' , that it is as they traditionally mentioned it. .

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