Monthly Archives: April 2012


In this in case that, the volume of the reservoir is disdained created by the barrage. The aduo system will have to be projected to lead the discharge necessary to supply the power that takes care of to the maximum … Continue reading

Archaeological Surveys

However it is pertinent to observe that different contexts exist: The first one? when d&#039 is the case of simple regularization of a PCH to the wire; water? where the said minimum must only be carried through, that is: The … Continue reading


Have one forty years, knew a citizen, Its Flower, that lived in a small house, in which also possua a restaurant and one quitanda. Its Flower, when knew I it, was very good people. But it has who says that … Continue reading

Evangelho People

' The way for the life is of that it keeps the instruction, but what it leaves the rebuke commits erro.' ' Pv 10; 17 the sinonmico parallelism of the Hebrew poetry places instruction and rebuke side by side, fundindo … Continue reading