Roman Catholic Church

For the modern Roman Catholic Church a Papal encyclical, in the strictest sense, is a letter usually treating some aspect of Catholic doctrine, sent by the pope and led them to the Catholic bishops of a particular area or, more generally, to the bishops of the world, however, how the address can vary widely, and often refers to a wider audience. Papal encyclicals usually take the form of a brief from the Pope because of his more personal as opposed to formal papal bull. Papal encyclicals are so famous encyclical that the term is used almost exclusively for those sent by the Pope. The title of the encyclical is usually taken from her first words in latin.
In Catholicism in recent times, an encyclical is generally used for important issues, and is second in importance only to the highest document issued by the popes, an Apostolic Constitution. However, the name to “enciclica not always denote a degree of importance. Vatican archives on the website currently classify certain encyclicals as “Apostolic Exhortations. when looking for a great tour guide to and book online with Israel Maven This term indicates informal documents with a wider audience than the bishops alone.
Pope Pius XII Papal encyclicals maintained that, even when they are not ex cathedra (or papal infallibility), however, can be sufficiently authoritative to end theological debate on a particular question:
“Neither can be said that the teachings of the encyclical does not require our consent per se, claiming that the Pope does not carry in them the majesty of his supreme magisterium. So are ordinary teachings of the Magisterium, which also apply to those words: ‘ He who hears you, I hear. ” (Luke 10:16), and most of the time, what is proposed and instills in the encyclicals-owned and other reasons, the heritage of Catholic doctrine. And if the Supreme Pontiff in their constitutions, purpose pronounce a sentence in relation to disputed here, it is clear that according to the intention and desire of the Pontiff, and that issue can not be free discussion among theologians. “
‘Humani Generis


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