Tag Archives: nature

Canary Islands

Recently, large supermarket chains like Karstadt and Kaufhof offered the Canary banana. The banana plant is an einkeimblattrige plant and belongs to the species of Musa. The main species cultivated in the Canary Islands belong to the triploid species Musa … Continue reading

The Dog – Dominant Or Aggressive?

The trainers of the top dog school in the tip of the month December give you some basic information about the topic of ‘The dominant dog’ dominance or aggression? If the tail wagging the dog repeatedly hear the trainers of … Continue reading

Animal Ambulance Berlin

The animal ambulance helps not only in case of emergency, the first rays of sunshine encourage many bipeds to the big cleanup. But the four-legged should not be forgotten. The first warmer temperatures can also fleas, ticks and mites are … Continue reading

Aquarium Contra TV

The Aquarium is there with their diversity as an alternative to the television the various reasons why you are interested in an aquarium. One of them is the entertainment that offers an aquarium. Whether by day or by night, in … Continue reading