Alexander Lominsky

Rumors prior to the wedding will bring in Moscow every year 70 000 marriages. Wedding is considered to be married first family holiday, on which the first family spent the money. In theory, the equivalent in the different wedding countries cost about the same amount. For example, wedding trouble in England cost about 15,000. According to market participants, the cheapest wedding guests to 35 people in Moscow will cost 40,000 rubles. At this price try keep 30% steam.

Studies show that the average cost of a wedding is 80-100 rubles. Naturally, you can at such an important celebration to spend an unlimited amount, but it is no secret that everyone wants that his wedding was, above all, an unforgettable romantic occasion. Therefore all elements of this magical celebration: a wedding and a master, and drawing a banquet hall, and even the music should be chosen accordingly tastes (and wallets), newlyweds and their guests. One must always bear in mind that most memorable wedding is not obtained by sudden and very carefully prepared and carried out by professionals. After all, many people marriage is only one once in a lifetime, and therefore does not have a toastmaster for error.

The Moscow market of wedding services is large and, unfortunately, deceptions and punctures do not happen often. It is therefore important to understand what and how to be organized for you paid money. If you need a leading entertainment software for any holiday, including, for the wedding, it is very important to have the right to choose exactly what the specialist whose work you like. In this sense, as the producer claims director Center Laplabel izvestnyyveduschy Alexander Lominsky – quality and original weddings, as well as other activities that agencies provide a steady stream of clients. For example, people who have visited at interesting events, be sure to hand over user agency, whose work they liked, from hand to hand. And, in fact, it does not matter who is your toaster, whether leading an anniversary, wedding or birthday – as long as it a professional of his craft. A man for whom his profession – a state of mind. That such a man will make you forget about all the financial expenses for the wedding and will do anything to this momentous day, you still have only the most pleasant sensations and memories … But in any case if you select the agency you need to understand that suschestvuetopredelenny level costs in all centers. For example, the average prices of the Moscow agency (and accordingly, your guaranteed cost) to organize 'average wedding' will be: The restaurant (dinner for 80 people) $ 3 tys.Tamada and musicians: $ 300 650Arenda car: $ 300 400Fotosemka: $ 200Videosemka $ 200Uslugi Florist (bridal bouquet for bride) $ 200Uslugi Florist $ 100 400Uslugi makeup artist and hairdresser $ 60 80Razrabotka and script writing $ 100 150Itogo: at least $ 4500 for someone and this minimum is the maximum, but we should remember that wedding agency ready to fulfill any whim of their clients, completely relieving them of the upcoming event-related trouble. So, perhaps, is to pay your pre-wedding professionals comfort. The only question in the search for these professionals. Ask a friend – maybe he already knows?

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