‘ I am sad and glad Without drinking I am sad, drinking I I am glad I I am sad and glad Without drinking I am sad, drinking I I am alegre’ ‘ We see, in the space between lineses, an incentive the beberro life. It only has happiness will have been accompanied by of the alcohol. The joy of this tipsy life is passenger, with crises of amnesia, false security and freedom. ‘ ‘ I go to bind pra it and I go to say That I am alone needing you I ask to the god which is the solution Best to relieve of what to die in the solitude (2x) ‘ ‘ It goes behind somebody to follow it in the cup turn. ‘ ‘ I ask to the god ‘ ‘ , that god is this with very small D? He is better to leave this emotional state, or to continue and really to die in the way that is not wanted? ‘ ‘ The happiness in a cup of cachaa If the beer It is frozen is more bonita’ ‘ What it exists of better in the life if finds inside of a cup? It will be possible? Or it is only plus a ragged excuse to lose the temptation of the drunkeness? ‘ ‘ I go to cry, I go to suffer I am happy because who suffers if diverte’ ‘ Said words seem for that it is if sinking each time more in the bog of the perdio and says: ‘ ‘ pra me in such a way makes, as in such a way fez’ ‘.
It will be that the proper suffering, or of outrem really brings diversion? ‘ ‘ I am sad and glad Without drinking I am sad, drinking I I am glad I I am sad and glad Without drinking I am sad, drinking I I am alegre’ ‘ Finishing music as he started, if rejoicing in the suffering. Sayings 23:29 – 35: ‘ ‘ For who they are the ais? For who the regrets? For who the fights? For who the complaints? For who the wounds without cause? for who the red eyes? For that if they delay close to the wine, for that they walk searching mixed wine. You do not look at for the wine when red reveals, when it shines in the cup and if it flows off softly. In the end, it will prick as the snake, and as the basilisco will bite. Your eyes will look at for the strange women, and your heart will say perversities. you will be as what it is lain down in the way sea, and as what it lies in the top of the mast. you will say: They had spanked me and it did not ache me; they had beaten and nor I felt to me; when I will despertarei? there then I will drink another one vez.’ ‘.