Educational Games

When speaking of education in house we spoke almost always of methods, concrete pedagogies, resources for tal o cual area, and we did not comment much that we used like educative material the table games, to develop all type of skills and abilities. me wonder sometimes all the process in himself, the reading and understanding of the instructions (some have crumb, and in my house my son understands small them and to far better memorise that his father or I, for example), the card classification, pieces, etc, the development of the game in itself, the conversations and activity that occurs Some games are very simple, but others are more complicated, for some you have to look for translation of instructions or ponerte to read in English, because it is as they come are, them of pure entertainment, but also of logic, geography, language, history, strategy, oral expression, theater or mmica representation, help to be extroverted, empathic Everything enchants to me what it is developed in winch to a table game, the complicity, the concentration, the use of the logic, the patience, the respect, the honesty Is very useful tools to work different aspects from playful form. There a listing of some of the games more entertained and asked for by the children goes: ” Matemticos”: Rummycub ” Motrices”: Castellers, Band ” Letras”: Boogle, Tic TAC Boom, the hanged person, Scrable ” Ciencias”: Bioviva ” Historia”: Mission History, Wildlife ” Tcticos”: Cluedo, Risk, the return to the world in 80 days, Carcassone, Stratego, Warhammer (although it is much more that a simple table game), Portobello Market, Go, Travellers to the train ” Superclsicos”: parchs, Monopoly, That are the one who, Trivial, Taboo, Stairs and serpents, dominated ” Temticos”: The Game of the league, Memories of Idhn, the gentleman of the ring, Trivial Disney, Trivial of Harry Potter You do not despise the formative value of the table games in our daily life like families who are educated in house, are invaluable everything what they contribute to us.

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