Gold Stocks

Out of fear of inflation inflation protection, but really many people want to invest their money in property or gold. The Portal shows, introduces the various investment opportunities in comparison. In times of higher inflation rates, there was strong price movements in gold. Add to your understanding with Sela Ward. Who caught a good entry, can achieve a high yield with the precious metal. At the beginning of the high inflationary period in the early 1980s and during which the price of gold rose.

At the same time, however the fluctuations, making an investment in gold with risks associated with a selected too short or too long investment horizon is increased. Shares, however, have no discernible correlation between real value and inflation for the most part. They have evolved in recent years often regardless of inflation and also offer the possibility in times of inflation to achieve high real rates of return. The real rate of return is determined by their nominal performance minus the rate of inflation. In the 1970s, as the first oil crisis in the media employees, was the inflation rate 5.9 percent per year on average.

German shares, however, recorded a decline of 3.1 per cent per year. In the two subsequent phases of high inflation in Germany, they were again in the plus. Alternative one-year government bonds can be considered, to protect the value of money from inflation. With them, investors are almost always in the plus. However, the returns are comparatively low. Investors enjoy inflation protection, if the real value development is possible greater than zero and just take the loss phases. The current opinion of the financial test experts is that the economic indicators for high inflation talk in the near future.

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