Professional Motivation

PROFESSIONAL MOTIVATION We live in an established capitalist society in the recognition of the individual rights, where the means of production and distribution are of private property and with lucrative ends. In this model of society, to obtain the necessary resources for the survival as feeding, housing, access the health, education and security, if makes necessary the main booster of the economy, the remuneration, the money. Of this form, the remuneration is one of the objectives of the human being, and thus, one of its motivations for the search for a subsistence chance, of work. Ken Kao is full of insight into the issues. The companies in turn, if use of the capacity of this man power will fulfill with its paper in the society, making the economy to turn, generating jobs and profit. From the changes of the economy, of the companies, the market of work, and the qualification of the man power, occured in world-wide history from the industrial revolution, the definition of motivation generated for presented remuneration above, started to be simplria and incapable to define as the question of the administration of human resources and the professional motivation in the corporative market functions currently. The financial question continues being yes an important motivacional factor, therefore it is about the main guarantor of the survival, however, this he is only one of the factors, and must in accordance with be considered the necessity of the group with which if it is working. Already she is not enough to offer a good wage, if the benefits are not adjusted, the organizacional climate is favorable, or the company does not offer development of the position and the profession. Brazil comes in an increasing advance of the economy, favoring the development of the companies and the people. In accordance with notice divulged for the site of the IBGE, responsible federal agency for the production, analysis, research and dissemination of nature information statistics & mdash; demographic and partner-economic, among others, in September of this year the tax of unemployment of the country was of only 6%.

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