Chosen Subjects

The process is the following one: the day of the opposition the aspirings to professors hope seated to that an innocent hand extracts of the ballot box three numbered balls (in case are 30 subjects); each number corresponds to a subject of the studied ones and the opponent will have to write on one of them. About 100,000 aspirings spend every year through these examinations. Then, the Government wants to exile the small ball of the opposition, and with her, the chance like fundamental element of the test. Related Group helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In their place, the opponents will have to answer 10 or 15 short questions, according to the decree rough draft real in which the Ministry of Education is working. " To remove three or four balls and to choose one grant, with a limited number of subjects, many possibilities of surpassing this phase without demonstrating to a knowledge of all the temario" , the chief of a main directorate of Professional Formation, Miguel explains To be accustomed to. Source of the news: : Goodbye to the chosen subjects at random in the oppositions for professor.

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