Multiple Intelligences

On the basis of the citation of AXE, Luiz. Superinteligncia. Rio De Janeiro, Qulitymark, 2005, p.104., can be cited the studies of Gardner (1994/1995), which had been decisive for the substitution of the unidimensional paradigm for the multidimensional one, affirming that ‘ ‘ the multiple facultieses human beings are independent in degrees significativos’ ‘ (GARDNER, 1995, p.29). The theory of multiple intelligences was developed as an explanation of the cognition human being and, beyond recognizing diverse and independent facetas they compose that it, it more than praises the interdependence between two or they. This if explains for the fact of that each one of the intelligence forms can be canalized for other ends, that is, the entailed symbols to that form of knowledge can migrar for other forms, denoting the characteristics of independence and interdependence previously pointed out. Still it points the existence of at least eight characteristics with respect to existence of intelligence, which demonstrate what it considers intelligence, sees it modular conception in relation to the functioning of the mind human being. When believing the independence of the functions and the possibility of isolation of the functions, it believes in this type of event.

The child does not learn for imitation: it creates for imitation and the professor must have opening enough to face and to win the unexpected one. All exercise must be argued and be evaluated. We must allow that the pupil incorporates concepts and displays its vision of the world, of the things of its daily life. The important one is to oportunizar to the pupil to become related, to create, to invent, to have fun themselves. Of this form, one concludes that the professors need to search ways to develop some intelligences in the pupils. However, in the educational planning they must be foreseen half to help the educandos to reach an ability, an ability or desired paper; for the talentosos pupils they must be guided to perfect its talentos; for that they present difficulties in school, or same patologias that confuse them the learning, must be developed mechanisms and adaptations that assist to acquire abilities. In this process, she is necessary to identify to the biological and psychological propensities of the human beings, its cultural universes, and to work this diversity, making possible, thus, to explore and to develop all the directions in the teach-learning process.

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