
This scene persists in our time, but of one it forms oppressor, disqualified and antiethical, blocking talentos, innovative abilities and ideas. The man and the work are permeados by a socializador and ethical environment that if reproduces in the actions and activities of the individual with different sensorial points of view, that they are only different at the same time, that it renews yourself to each moment. The man cannot be seen as an extension of the machines that to each moment the society discards, for understanding outdated, and finally without utility, in way to the technological advance. The man possesss as main production its knowledge, through its partner-cultural luggage in acquired experiences, as to be only in the conviviality in society, acting and contributing of some form with Intelligence and productivity. METHODOLOGY For the development of Productive Intelligence requires to question, to reconstruct and to innovate production ideas, through the desconstruo in reflexivas activities that contextualize the diverse factors that involve the citizen. The Pedagogo professional has as question the displacement of its comodista thought, to the Intelligent and productive man of ethical and moral positioning of knowledge and man world becoming a transforming agent.

For the context of this work the studied authors defined themselves on the basis of who ' ' Produtiva&#039 intelligence; ' it possesss three main aspects that are: . Active I.P: The man possesss as essence the productive process of abstract or symbolic form in the gestures, the language, the independent writing or as professional of its knowledge, and that he develops yourself until the end of its life. He must be observing, questionadora, has the education as parameter for thoughts and attitudes of possibilities, must possess desconstrutivos objectives of what it seems to be obvious. b. Formative I.P: The man independe of its intellectuality in elapsing of its history the citizen constructs to its luggage partner? cultural and he contributes for the new to teach and to learn; in what it says (FREIRE, 2005 P.

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